Banking Greed
It would appear that the supposed reform of banker's bonuses is still to be seen, and politicians seem to have thrown in the towel. They're certainly not pulling up any trees chasing greedy fat cats. It looks like the Tories are just looking after their own kind...would you expect anything else?
On the left is Eric Daniels chief executive of Lloyd’s, who will be trousering a luscious £2 million bonus – and this from a bank that took us to the brink of disaster and that we the hard pressed taxpayer are the owners of. To be fair I suppose, this bonus will be in the form of shares, which of course as you know can go down as well as up.
Business secretary Vince Cable thinks Osborne has been too soft on the banks, because he wants the tax revenue to plug some gaps…you don’t say. Personally I think successive governments have been way to soft on banks for far too long. When chief execs of Standard Chartered and HSBC give their bonuses to charity then you know they’re being paid too much.
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